Enrollment and Waitlist Procedures
Intradistrict transfers are for students who reside inside the MDUSD boundaries requesting to transfer to another MDUSD school.
Only one transfer application will be processed per student per academic year.
Beginning October 10 - November 10, 2024 the Intradistrict Transfer Application will be available for all schools, grades 1-12 and for Sequoia and Monte Gardens' Kindergarten. Currently enrolled students will complete the application using their Aeries Homelink Portal. Students that are not currently enrolled will use a link available on the Intradistrict Transfer webpage starting October 10th.
The Intradistrict Transfer Application window for Kindergarteners (except Sequoia and Monte Gardens) will continue to take place in the Spring (February - March).
In order to align the Sequoia/Monte Gardens lottery process with the District's policies and practices as they pertain to BP/AR 5116.1 Intradistrict Open Enrollment, per the February 23, 2022, Board approved amendment to both schools' program tenets, families wishing to transfer to or be waitlisted for either school must complete an Intradistrict Transfer Application during the Oct-Nov window.
- Any students that have completed a paper application at the school site for the 2025-2026 school year MUST complete the electronic application to be part of the lottery
- Any students (current K-5) on the Sequoia or Monte Gardens waitlists will maintain their current spot on said waitlists. Students currently in grades K-4 that would like to be added to the waitlist, must complete an Intradistrict Transfer application.
- Monte Gardens residents DO NOT need to complete the Intradistrict Transfer Application if they want to attend the resident school.
- Students that have been approved to attend either school may not complete any other Transfer application for the 2025-2026 school year.
- The Intradistrict Transfer Application for grades 1-5 in the 2025-2026 school year will now be available from October 10 - November 10, the same time as the Secondary applications.
Monte Gardens Lottery Date:
Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 10:00am - 10:45am
Location: Virtual (ZOOM)
Monte Gardens Kindergarten
All Elementary Grades 1-5
Responses sent - December 20, 2024
Appeals due - January 10, 2025
Appeal response letter - March 14, 2025
Kindergarten Lottery:
The Monte Gardens Kindergarten Lottery is held each year in December for children who will start Kindergarten the following August and will be age 5 on or before September 1st of the next school year. All students who sign up by the deadline will be randomly assigned a lottery number and the available Kindergarten spaces will be filled in lottery number order by the priority listed below.
The following criteria are applied as priority placement at Monte Gardens:
Residents: Families that reside within the neighborhood boundaries as defined by the Mt. Diablo School District. Please call the office to verify if Monte Gardens is your school of residence. Realtors or leasing agents do not have current information.
Siblings: Students with an older sibling that are enrolled simultaneously for a minimum of one year. It is the responsibility of the parents to notify the office of any sibling relationships or siblings currently residing on a waitlist.
Parent/Guardian: An employee of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District assigned to Monte Gardens Elementary.
Choice: Residence within the MDUSD boundaries not meeting the above criteria.
Offer of placement:
Offers: You will be contacted for enrollment when space becomes available by email and phone. An accept or decline is required within 24 hours of the notification. If the school cannot reach you or you do not respond within 24 hours, your place will not be held. Be sure to write your contact information clearly. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school office of any changes in your phone number, address, or change of plans to attend our program. We are unable to provide waitlist status over the phone or by email.
Declines: If you are called to enroll and decline or do not respond by the required deadline, your child's name will be removed from the waitlist. Should you decide to put your child's name back on the list, you must reapply and will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list. All forms, immunizations, birth certificate, proof of residency, etc. must be verified at the time of enrollment.
TK & Kindergarten Registration Days at the Enrollment Center are on January 8th & 9th, 2025. Here is the 25-26 Enrollment Information.